What WaterView™ can do for your district.
WaterView™ is a water efficiency and data management software solution custom-designed to help water professionals meet the water conservation framework requirements under SB606 & AB1668 and comply with the new efficiency standards.
Meet the efficiency and allocation requirements established under SB606 and AB1668 with ease.
Use detailed irrigation and demographic data to help move customers toward long-term, efficient water use behaviors.
Adapt to state mandates and changes while maintaining customer satisfaction and supporting the financial resilience of your district.
WaterView mirrors current legislative requirements and reporting so you can focus on your staff and customers, not requirement changes.

What is your compliance plan?
The requirement to start measuring water for the 2024 Urban Water Use Objective began:
07 / 01 / 22
Pending conservation requirements and reporting are looming. How will your district adapt? WaterView™ helps districts avoid penalty fees and stay compliant by providing data that fuels holistic water-efficiency campaigns with three goals: water efficiency, customer satisfaction, and minimal to no revenue reduction.